Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Missing Houston

We went down to Texas to see Daddy last week and had a great time. It was hotter than a pistol, but fun. Luckily the hotel had an outdoor pool to take B-Lo in for cool dips in the afternoons, he loved it. We tried a few new different restaurants which included Barry's (best pizza), Becks Prime (best burgers), PF Changs (best chinese, and Whataburger (best burgers also I hear, but we had the chicken instead which was good too). Here's B-Lo at some of the different places he ate:

It was a little hard for him to stay occupied while at the hotel, since we didn't have his usual 2,659 toys to keep him busy. But we managed, as you'll notice, even mommy's bra can be quite entertaining:

Here he is at the galleria (which I LOVED because it had every store I'd ever need) in front of a gigantic candy store that I'm sure in a few years, he'll be begging to actually go into instead of sitting so nicely like this:

But my most favorite part of the trip was finally meeting my fellow blogger friend, Andria, and her beautiful family in person:

That was one of the most memorable lunches I'll ever have, by far. It was so neat to finally sit next to her and enjoy actual live conversation that didn't include blogging or email. I discovered her "Boy Crazy" blog over 2 years ago, and have since felt like I've had a wonderful friend in her, even though we'd never even sat for a cup of coffee together. Thanks for trecking all that way just to meet us for lunch Andria (and family). It meant the world to me!

Another great part of the trip was the hotel breakfast area. Sounds funny, but so true. Every morning you can go down and have breakfast in a serve-yourself kind of style. They have all kinds of things to choose from. Brendan would eat his french toast and flirt with the kitchen staff, and I'd enjoy my coffee while watching the news on the big screen TV they had. On our last morning there, I was hoping to get a photo of him and one of the kitchen ladies he befriended. She was so sweet as she'd touch his little face and say "God Bless you." It's always nice to hear something other than "God! look at the cheeks on him, he sure doesn't miss too many meals...." That's all she'd say to him, was "God Bless You" and "He's so sweet, you're so lucky..." Anyone who says things like that gets my vote. Anyway, when we went down for our last breakfast, she was nowhere to be found--must've had the day off. I was bummed since I was really hoping to say goodbye. Maybe we'll see her next time.

Here he is enjoying some HOT fresh air outside the hotel, waiting for Daddy to come back from work:

This is Daddy's Home-away-from-Home during the week:

And last but not least...here we are, leaving Houston, just when Momma was learning her way around the damn place!

Thank you for making us feel at home Houston. We'll have to come back just to get a dose of all that friendliness again. (I didn't even notice any road rage which was awesome!) Everyone was just. so. nice. You made us feel like family which always makes for the perfect trip.

*Houston is where Brendan tried his first burger, enjoyed pizza for the first time (didn't like it much at home) and started officially crawling. Lots of great firsts!*

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My First Mothers Day

Wow...it was a very meaningful day. My MIL had Brendan make a card for me using crayons, with lots of guidance of course-but it is by far, the cutest card I have ever seen. It really made me feel like "Mom." Very cute. Then hubby was cute enough to scurry around town this morning in search of roses, coffee, chocolates, and donuts. All of my favorite things. I sure liked Mothers Day.